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Speed Ratings

The speed symbol is made up of a single letter or an "A" and a number. It indicates the maximum speed at which the tire can carry a load corresponding to its Load Index.

Speed Ratings Chart

Code Mph Km/h Code Mph Km/h
A1 3 5 L 75 120
A2 6 10 M 81 130
A3 9 15 N 87 140
A4 12 20 P 94 150
A5 16 25 Q 100 160
A6 19 30 R 106 170
A7 22 35 S 112 180
A8 25 40 T 118 190
B 31 50 U 124 200
C 37 60 H 130 210
D 40 65 V 149 240
E 43 70 Z over 149 over 240
F 50 80 W 168 270
G 56 90 (W) over 168 over 270
J 62 100 Y 186 N/A
K 68 110 (Y) over 186 over 300

Tires with a speed rating higher than 186 mph (300 km/h) are indicated by a "Y" in parenthesis. The load rating is often included within the parenthesis, e.g. (86Y).

In many countries, the law requires that tires must be specified, and fitted, to exceed the maximum speed of the vehicle they are mounted on, with regards to their speed rating code (except for "Temporary Use" spare tires).

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